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Stop Living Sick & Start Living Healthy
RAIN International Products

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 Are You Tired of Being Unhealthy?

Your health can be rejuvinated by using RAIN INTERNATIONAL Products!


Your Health is in Soul & Core!
Come join the countless users who have used RAIN Products to
regain their health and return to a more vibrant life.
YES! Soul and Core "The Dynamic Duo" is waiting for you to try.

For maximum results, use these 2 products

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Three Basic Reasons Why People Are Unhealthy!

  1. Too much waste In the body!

  2. Poor Circulation!

  3. Deficiency! (Lack of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients)


Where Does Waste Come From?

Waste comes from what we eat and drink daily.

The Eight (8) Most Dangerous Foods!

  1. White sugar: including white sugar substitutes

  2. White flour: including cake, pies, cookies, donuts, bagels, white bread, cream of wheat, grits, whole wheat bread, pasta, and cereals

  3. Drinks: Sodas, coffee, tea, orange juice, juice from Grocery stores, and drinks containing added sugar substitutes

  4. Red meats

  5. Dairy products: Including cows milk, 1%, 2%, low fat, skim milk, cheese, macaroni & cheese, ice cream, etc.

  6. Animal fats: Butter, margarine, corn oil, lards, saturated fats

  7. Drinking too much fluids, including water!

  8. Junk food in general

Now that we have all of this information, there's only one question left.

How Can We Become Healthy Again?


Answer: We have to do these things to get healthy and stay healthy.


1. Cleanse the body every day.

2. Get good circulation going back into the body again.

3. Put back the necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

How can this be done? With the RAIN Soul and Core.

When we do these things listed above, we can become healthy again.



white sugar


White flour 1.png

Including cake, pies, cookies, donuts, bagles, white bread, cream of wheat, grits, whole wheat bread, pasta, and cereals


Sodas, coffee, tea, orange juice, juice from Grocery stores, and drinks containing added sugar substitutes


Including cows milk, 1%, 2%, low fat, skim milk, cheese, macaromi & cheese, icecream, etc.


Butter, magarine,

corn oil, lards,

saturated fats


Drinking too much water make it hard for your kidneys to get rid of the excess water. The sodium content of your blood becomes diluted. This is called hyponatremia

and it can be



food that has low nutritional value, typically produced in the form of packaged snacks needing little or no preparation.


Food that is high in calories from sugar

and/or fat, and possibly sodium, making it hyperpalatable, but with little dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, or other important forms of nutritional value.

Where Does Excessive Body Waste Come From?

Any leftover solid parts of the food move into the large intestine. These solid parts of your food are the parts that you have no use for and are passed from your body when you go to the bathroom. The scientific word for this matter is excrement or feces, you probably call it poop.

What happens if waste is not removed from the body?

If these wastes are not removed, your cells can stop working, and you can get very sick. This condition can be even fatal. The organs of your excretory system help to release wastes from the body.


The Big Question

How Can We Become Healthy Again?


These are the things

you must do

to get healthy

and stay healthy.

3 Things

Cleanse your body

every day.

Restore the circulation

into the body again.

Put back the necessary vitamins, minerals,

and nutrients.

All the above can be acheived by using RAIN Soul and Core.

© 2024 Stop Living Sick And Start Living Healthy - All Rights Reserved

We Make No Medical Claims.


Disclaimer: Our organic supplement products are intended only for personal use and are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided on our packaging, website, or any other communication channel is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice.

Contact Us

Franky Smith (Health Coach)


(678) 702-3975

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